4 - 10 years old
Independent - 1 hour

Key activities

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Key development areas

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At Power Kids Gym, we recognize that some kids want or need a more personalised approach to their training. We work with kids, one-on-one to achieve their specific developmental goals – lose weight, improve fitness, increase strength, improve coordination, learn a specific sport skill or multi sports techniques.

Our trainers are committed to making a difference in your child’s life with the power of positive reinforcement and encouragement. Statistics are showing that figures are growing in the number of children who are overweight, and without intervention a high percentage of them will be overweight as adults. This exposes them to a variety of medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sleep apnea.

To find out more about personal training sessions for your child, do call us at 63338511 or click the WhatsApp button to chat with our friendly staff!